This Marathon Brought to You By...

On August 14th, I will be running in my first marathon, the Crater Lake Rim Run. 
As a motivational scheme, I am dedicating each segment (outlined below) to a 
different person.  As I run, I will think of you and imagine you shouting 
profanities from the sideline.  
Approximate Elevation and Distance:
             [Miles    ]  
[Total   ]   [Up Hill/ ]   [Elevation]     
[Distance]   [Down Hill]   [Start    ]   [Variance]   [Common Name]   [Dedicated to...]
0                           7600'                      The Watchman 
.5            +.5           7650'         +50          Hillman              Crystal G.
2.0           -1.5          7253'         -397         N. Junction 
3.0           +1.0          7450'         +197         Llao Rock            Alina V.
6.5           -3.5          6750'         -700         Base of Cleetwood 
6.7           +.2           6850'         +100         Cleetwood Cove 
                                                      (End of 6.7 Race) 
6.9           +.2           6900'         +50          Top of Cleetwood 
8.6           -1.7          6700'         -100         Mazama Rock          Jen S.
9.2           +.6           6800'         +100         Round Top            Eric L.
9.6           -.4           6718'         -82          Wine Glass           Joe K-W 
11.5          +1.9          7150'         +400         Skull Head           Cynthia C.
13.0          +1.5          7650'         +532         Scotts Bluff         Curtis B.
                                                      (End of 13.0 Race) 
13.5          +.5           7700'         +50          Cloud Cap 1 
14.5          +1.0          7850'         +50          Cloud Cap Turn       Allison W.
15.5          -1.0          7700'         -50          Cloud Cap 2 
17.5          -2.0          7300'         -550         Castle Rock          Linda Y.
19.0          -1.5          6753'         -447         Kerr Notch           Dan E.
21.0          -2.0          6350'         -350         The Pinnacles        Megan W.
22.3          -1.3          5980'         -370         Lost Creek Camp      Mackenzie A.
24.5          +2.2          6450'         +470         Grayback Turnaround  Bryan W.
26.2          -1.7          5980'         -470         Lost Creek Camp      Roddy C. and Jennifer C.
                                                      (Marathon Finish)